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The 10 Attributes Of Love

Love is a beautiful thing and as the saying goes, "Love Makes The World Go Round." I believe in love, but I think to love someone successfully you have to start with you. Here are a few points on love.

1. Self-love is the most important. If you don't love yourself, how can you love anyone correctly? And how can they love you accurately?

2. Self-care is a must. Take time to do things that will improve your spirit, mind, body and soul. Take care of you so that you can take care of others.

3. Build your self-esteem. Give yourself daily reminders of how awesome you are.

4. Self-respect - respect who you are and give respect to others.

5. Know your self-worth and don't allow anyone's words or actions make you feel less than the awesome person you are.

6. Understand your self-value. Know that you’re important and special enough to be treated as the best. Don't dim your light, dumb yourself down or take crap from anyone!

7. Let go of self-doubt because it will only keep you from growing and hold you back from self-love or loving others properly.

8. Self-expression. Express yourself freely and don't ever hold back. You'll shine and flourish when you let yourself go in a positive and productive manner.

9. Self-control. Have control over your words, feelings and actions. Don't lose who you are for someone else. And don't overindulge just because you can. There are usually consequences when you do.

10. Self-determination. Always be determined to be the best version of yourself. Always be determined to love, honor and respect your mind, body spirit and soul. Always be determined to treat others how you want to be treated.

Remember, Love will always start and end with you. Practice the 10 attributes of love daily to improve and empower you! Happy Love Day! #ImBeautyInspired to #SpeakBeautiful about #SelfLove #TransitionIntoGreatness

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