Every Day Is A Blessing
Beauty is understanding that every day is a blessing no matter how it begins & or how it ends! Today you have the opportunity to experience another day of life. That's a blessing; some people didn't wake up at all. Today you can see the beauty that surrounds you. You can stop and smell the roses. You have the ability to walk. You can have a conversation and laugh at a joke. That's a blessing; some people can't see, hear, smell, walk, talk or enjoy life. Today you can choose happiness. That's a blessing; some people don't know what happiness is or understand how to experience it because of depression. Today you the ability to learn. That's a blessing; some people a learning curve or disability. Today you have a place to lay your head. You have food to eat. You have the means to support yourself. That's a blessing; some people are homeless, starving and poor. Today you have a choice to accept every day as a blessing no matter how it begins or how it ends. Some people don't, some people won't. Be grateful for your life and enjoy the beauty of how your day begins and ends because it's a blessing! #ImBeautyInspired to #SpeakBeautiful #TranisitionIntoGreatness Â