The 10 Attributes Of Love
Love is a beautiful thing and as the saying goes, "Love Makes The World Go Round." I believe in love, but I think to love someone...

The most important message in life is to love yourself first! If you don't love you, how can you expect love from someone else? Self-love...

Beauty is living your life on your terms! Set the tone and make the terms that benefit you the most. It's your life and you have a...

Be Present in the Present & Enjoy Life!
Beauty is enjoying your life by living, laughing, loving & learning with a positive attitude! Do you see the glass half full, half empty...

Perfection Does Not Exist!
Beauty is letting go of perfection & embracing the unknown! I used to be a perfectionist but I realized that perfection doesn't exist....

Beauty is falling in love with yourself over and over again! To love yourself is one thing. But to be in love with you is taking...

Don't Be Your Worst Enemy
Beauty is being your biggest cheerleader and not your worst critic! Why is it so easy to be your worst critic and so hard to be your...

A smile is just one step away from showing your true beauty! When you smile your beauty shines, you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and...

Develop Your Legacy
Beauty is creating a foundation to build your dreams & develop your legacy! Do you have dreams you want to accomplish? How and when will...

Experience Bliss
Beauty is feeding the soul to experience the bliss in life! Are you feeding your soul? What do you do to make sure it's filled to live a...