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My Truth

I used to hate to workout but then I realized it wasn't the workout I didn't like; it was me. I fat shamed myself and despised what I saw in the mirror. I didn't think that I would ever get to the point where I would exercise consistently. I didn't care about me, my body or my health. What changed? I had to practice what I preached about self-love. I had to understand that self-care is self-love. Once I realized that I can't fully love me if I don't take care of me, things changed. I joined a friend on her journey to #summertimefine and we got a group together to meet, motivate, workout, pray and slay. Our trainer V Body Power Fitness teaches us the why and how to exercise correctly and my workout #squad is lit! Today, I like what I see. I love the progress I have made and I know that I'm not perfect, but I'm a work in progress moving forward in my journey and transitioning into greatness. #ImBeautyInspired to #SpeakBeautiful #TranstionIntoGreatness

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