The most important message in life is to love yourself first! If you don't love you, how can you expect love from someone else? Self-love...

My Truth
I used to hate to workout but then I realized it wasn't the workout I didn't like; it was me. I fat shamed myself and despised what I saw...

Don't Live in the Past
Beauty is progressing & moving forward! What happened yesterday and any day before that is now the past. You can't change what happened...

Experience Bliss
Beauty is feeding the soul to experience the bliss in life! Are you feeding your soul? What do you do to make sure it's filled to live a...

Finish The Race
Beauty is not giving up. Be determined & finish the race! Throughout life we experience bumps in the road, obstacles or hurdles. Beauty...

Self-care is Necessary
Beauty is self-care; take time to appreciate the people, places & things that matter most to you! You only have one you in this lifetime,...