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Overcoming The Fear Of Rejection

Beauty is letting go the fear of rejection & using it as a stepping stone toward success. I used to be afraid of rejection but I have learned that when someone says no it means not right now. Don't let the fear of rejection stop you from asking. It may not be your time; God may have something bigger and better for you down the line. Take the rejection and use it as motivation to move forward and make things happen another way. Or put it to the side, re-evaluate and resubmit the idea. Sometimes it's not what you present but how you present it. Don't be afraid because they may say no; be eager because they may say yes! And if for some reason they say no, ask for feedback on how to get that yes. The fear of rejection will hold you back and keep you from moving forward. Don't let this be you. Let go of the fear of rejection and use it as a stepping stone towards success! #ImBeautyInspired to #SpeakBeautiful #TransitionIntoGreatness  

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