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How To Experience True Freedom

In life you have choices to live how you want and do what you want. Making the right choice can sometimes be daunting or it can be liberating; it all depends on the decision you make.

Don't give others the power to dictate your life. Don't ever give up your control. Choose freedom, choose life, choose you!

When you feel like someone is trying to take your freedom or control you, put the following tips into action.

1. Say no. There's beauty in the word no and no is a complete sentence.

2. Be strong with your decision. Don't feel guilty and don't waiver back and forth. You made the choice because it serves you well.

3. Don't feel bad or say sorry for the decision you made. Don't put doubt in someone's mind that you may be unsure of what's right for you.

4. Compromise is okay if that is your choice but don't do it to satisfy someone's demand.

5. If you can and if you want to, offer another solution.

Remember that you can't be everything to everyone but you can be the best to yourself and for yourself.

Today I choose to live with liberation and excitement in my life. I will not be afraid of what is to come or worry about what has happened in the past. I will not worry about who's not happy with the decisions I make for me. I will stand strong with my choice. I choose the beauty of FREEDOM and I choose ME! What about you? Have a wonderful week! MUAH



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